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E.g., 01/17/2022
Sun rising behind the Toronto skyline during an annular eclipse
May 11, 2023

Staff at the University of Toronto are playing a critical role in preparing for the total solar eclipse slated to occur in Central and…

child gets a band aid on their arm after receiving a vaccination
May 10, 2023

The University of Toronto and biopharma company, GSK are investing a combined $3 million – $2 million from GSK and $1 million from the Leslie Dan…

hand moving a chess piece on a chessboard
May 9, 2023

A team of University of Toronto researchers have launched a six-year study looking at the effect of addiction recovery on cognitive ability. The…

a dungeness crab is held by a San Francisco fisherman
May 9, 2023

A new study by researchers at the University of Toronto finds that climate change is causing a commercially significant marine crab to lose its…

Kevin Lambert
May 8, 2023

Kevin Lambert is hoping to uncover the narrative of his northern Quebec heritage that dates back to the early days of colonialism.…

Huazhong University of Science and Technology researchers gather around an electrolyzer
May 5, 2023

An international team of collaborators – including researchers from the University of Toronto and Huazhong University of Science and Technology – has…