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Researchers in the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering have partnered with Siemens Energy to tackle a key challenge…
Researchers at the University of Toronto's Open Centre for the Characterization of Advanced Materials (OCCAM) are working with the conservation team…
Four years after the downing of Ukraine International Airlines Flight PS752, the shock of the tragedy has not worn off for Niloofar Ganji. “It’s…
Researchers at the University of Toronto and its partner hospitals have led the development of a heart-on-a-chip device to study the effects of a…
A research team led by Daniel Drucker, senior investigator at Sinai Health’s Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute and University Professor in…
A psychiatrist who has advanced the understanding of the genetics of schizophrenia. A composer and conductor who has helped nurture the next…
Undergraduate students taking a new University of Toronto course have to use their brains in more ways than one. Called Interfacing and…
Researchers at the University of Toronto and its partner hospitals are finding that changes in gut microbiota after bariatric surgery can directly…
Even if you don’t know your love language, you’ve probably heard of the concept. The theory’s pervasiveness in pop culture has only increased in…
Software may play an integral role in the modern world, but its development, maintenance and management remain expensive and laborious – a…
Only one in 18 people who go to the emergency department or end up in hospital after an opioid overdose in Ontario are prescribed drugs like methadone…
Astronomers at the University of Toronto have discovered a population of massive stars that have been stripped of their outer hydrogen layer by…